Dance Club
Dance Club
NBPS Dance Club hopes to nurture every members’ passion for dance. During dance practices, our dancers explore a variety of modern and contemporary dance genres including jazz, contemporary, hip hop etc. Beyond dance techniques, our dancers also learn values such as self-discipline and perseverance as they strive to do their best to prepare for each dance performance.
In addition, our dancers have opportunities to grow their stage presence over the years and emerge as comfortable and confident dancers who shine in the limelight as they perform on stage before an audience.
Dancers get the chance to perform and hone their talent during school-based performances such as:
- Chinese New Year Concert
- Racial Harmony Day
- International Friendship Day
- National Day
- Navalite Day
- NBPS Speech and Prize-giving Day
They will also participate in external performances when the opportunity arises. External performances that the dancers have taken part in before include:
- SYF Dance Extravaganza
- Nee Soon South CC events
Performance at North West Clean & Green Singapore District Carnival (2019)
Timebenders Musical Performance at NBPS’ 30th Anniversary Celebration (2018)
Dance Club members participate in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation (International Dance Category). This is a biennial event that encourages dancers to celebrate their youth and showcase their talents. These are the achievements of Dance Club for SYF Arts Presentation in recent years:
- Certificate of Distinction (2016)
- Certificate of Achievement (2018)
As there was no Singapore Youth Festival Event in 2020 due to the school closure during Circuit Breaker, the dancers who had practiced hard for their performance were unable to perform. We look forward to preparing for our next stint at SYF 2022.
Despite coming back only after a year of hiatus from dance, the dancers are eager to practice and prepare for upcoming performances in 2021. They will continue to pursue their passion in dance and perform either in the events that will be happening in school virtually or on stage.